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Season 2 starts with a BANG....

When Moxxi & Sebbie first tied this season around April 1st, we began to keep watch. looking for any signs that we would be getting to experience our 2nd season of pups!

We were so excited when Mama Moxxi started showing the tell-tale signs that she was in fact expecting! Like being cuddlier, being severely uninterested in the boys being around her... and most of all, eating EVERY dandelion or piece of paper that she finds to cross her path!

We waited anxiously for our appointment with our vet to confirm the pregnancy, all making our individual guesses to how many there would be and on May 5th we went in.

We found out upon arrival that our go-to during last season, vet tech Jenny had moved away! We were shocked! The other techs informed us that a new Tech was being brought on right away, and hopefully the adjustment time would be small. They took Moxxi in for her exam & when the lead vet brought her out, she seemed a bit confused. She explained to me that there were no pups showing on the x-ray. "OH! I didn't realize we were doing an x-ray today, isn't it a bit too soon?" after a bit of explaining the vet realized we were only about a month along and confirmed it was in fact too soon for an x-ray to show anything quite yet.

She did however offer a blood pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy if I was interested. "You know what, yes. Let's go ahead and do that since I have a few summer plans that will be needed to be adjusted if we do in fact have puppies on the way." So off to the lab the test was sent and home we went to await the results. A few days later I called in to find out what the answer was only to hear that it had also come back negative. "Wow, really?! I could have sworn with how she was acting... and her tummy (and mammories) have gotten quite large!"

We talked possibilities for a bit and came to the conclusions that the test could have been a false negative if she is having a small litter... but since she had such a large litter last time that didn't seem likely. Instead, what the doctor thought was more probable was a phantom pregnancy. All the symptoms are the same, without the actual babies. My poor girl! I was so sad for her. "What can I do to help her?" I was instructed to just be there, & be supportive. That it can take a couple weeks for the Mama to realize that the pregnancy has not in fact been a success.

My whole heart hurt for my girl, and I made sure that we spent extra time cuddling and bonding. As the weeks went by her tummy only continued to grow. I was worried that maybe I was allowing her to overeat in her "condition" and continued monitoring her weight... but it only fluctuated a pound or so up and down pretty evenly over the month.

Still, I stayed by her side and one night after the boys had been put to bed, we were laying together for our evening cuddles when I felt something while rubbing her belly. Now Moxxi can be quite a bit gassy, so I chalked it up to a few evening puggy-poots and left it alone.

Until it happened again! "Moxxi, THAT felt like a puppy." The look she gave me in that moment was very exasperated. So, I called the vet's office and left a message explaining I needed to get Moxxi in asap. Though they weren't too sure why, they vet was able to get me in two days later.

When I showed up you could tell there was a bit of disbelief... " So you're still feeling a bit apprehensive?" I was asked as I walked in the door. "No, not really. I'm pretty certain." As Moxxi walked in behind me hollering as she does when she announces her arrival (she loves the Vet's office) the tech was immediately shocked. "OH! Moxxi! What the heck!" We all laughed a bit and they got me back into a room quite quickly. Similarly, the head vet came in the room, chatting with me before seeing Moxxi... "So, you think the test might have lied, huh?" she said with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. That or she has a very large wiggly tumor!" When she turned around and laid eyes on Moxxi all smiles were gone. "OH! Oh, my goodness!" "Yeeeeah, I know right?" I said with a laugh.

Immediately I could tell that Doctor's confusion and doubt was in line with mine. (Moxxi is very plump in this stage of her being...) and she instantly requested to take her back for imaging. "Now, remember..." she warned me, "The test could have been a false negative if she only has one or two. If that is the case your chances of needing a C-section are way higher because the puppies can get so big." I nodded, understanding that we would cross that bridge if we came to it. I just knew we needed to double check what in the world was going on!

I waited patiently in the room for a few minutes while they took Moxxi back. Not to long later the new tech walks in with Moxxi and a laptop. "Hello! So is everything ok? Are there puppies?" Her confused look set me off a bit when she calmly said "Yes?" "Awesome! I knew it! okay, so was there just one? Two?" I began to ask as she continued to look at me very confused and continued trying to open the image results. "Uhm. I think the doctor is coming back to talk with you." Oh. This caught me off guard. I don't normally see the doctor again... the tech normally finishes up the appointment. I waited quietly as she stepped out and got the main vet again.

When Doc came in her face was VERY red. "I just don't know what happened." I began to worry... "Wait. Why? What's wrong? Is she ok??" I asked a bit panicky. "Oh! Yes, she's fine! Her health is way better than even last pregnancy! She's doing well. They all are..." she trailed off as she opened up the laptop. "Wait... all? How many is all?" This is when she turned the laptop with the imaging results my direction.

"She has at least five." I was dumbfounded. "What? Five?! Then how did the test come back negative??" I asked her while starting to break into a giggle fit. "I honestly have no idea. I'm calling the lab. I'm demanding a refund. This is just crazy." I could tell at this point she was a bit upset, possibly worried that I would be upset. "And when would the puppies be due?" she asked in a serious tone.

I couldn't do anything but laugh! This was hilarious! "Uhm, at the very earliest... the 26th of this month." This did not help her worry, nor my laughter. "That's in three days." She said calmly. "Yup! Guess I have some prep work to do!" I was all smiles even though she kept apologizing. "Doc, this is the funniest thing to happen to me in months. I promise you it's okay. If you are able to get a refund from the lab, awesome... put it towards my account. Gunna need it here pretty soon anyways!! Plus, at the very least this will make great content for the blog!"

I'm not sure she found it as funny as did, but at least she began to smile by the end! As I drove home, I called Ryan to tell him the news. I had sent him the photo of the x-ray before I had left, and he was looking it over as we talked. "Geeeez! 5?? That was unexpected! Are we sure it's just 5?" he said while laughing. "Guess I better get the lawn mowed and stuff soon huh?" I honestly don't think we stopped laughing about it off and on all night. When I got home, we looked again at the x-ray and came to the conclusion that there actually looks like 6... "Dang, I'm going to have to call Doc back and have her look at the image again!"

Even my best friend had to take a step away to laugh when I called and told her. "I don't understand how this stuff happens to you!" she giggled. "I know right? Apparently, all the writers for my life thing I'm on a drama filled soap opera. Can't have anything just be simple for a moment!"

Now where would the fun in that be??

Stay tuned...

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